
Coronal mass ejection (CME) detector
Detector de eyecciones coronales de masa (CMEs).

Local Disturbance Index for Spain (LDiñ) more
LDiñ (Local Disturbance index for Spain) is the result of the collaboration between University of Alcala and Red Eléctrica de España in their aim to study the relationship between the space weather science and their effects on vulnerable technological infrastructures. It has been derived from research conducted by the Space Weather Group at University of Alcala. The index quantifies the disturbance of the magnetic field for the Spanish territory. It makes use of the magnetic field registered at the station of the 'Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada' in San Fernando (SFS) which is received with a maximum delay of 15 minutes and processed for removal of the daily variation. The LDiñ is a realtime index for monitoring, diagnostics, and forecasting purposes. The procedure to obtain the LDiñ is patented in Spain and patent-pending for Europe.
Local Disturbance Index for Spain (LDiñ)×

LDiñ (Local Disturbance index for Spain) is the result of the collaboration between University of Alcala and Red Eléctrica de España in their aim to study the relationship between the space weather science and their effects on vulnerable technological infrastructures. It has been derived from research conducted by the Space Weather Group at University of Alcala. The index quantifies the disturbance of the magnetic field for the Spanish territory. It makes use of the magnetic field registered at the station of the 'Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada' in San Fernando (SFS) which is received with a maximum delay of 15 minutes and processed for removal of the daily variation. The LDiñ is a realtime index for monitoring, diagnostics, and forecasting purposes. The procedure to obtain the LDiñ is patented in Spain and patent-pending for Europe.


The horizontal component of the geomagnetic field registered at San Fernando Observatory.


Potential users of this product include operators of any company involved in systems affected by geomagnetic disturbances.


1 minute

High energy protons flux from GOES
Solar wind parameters, fixed range (ACE & DSCOVR)
X-Ray flux from GOES
SolarHeed more
The warning service consists on a true-false function: 'true' (red) when a ΔDst larger than 50 nT in an hour is expected, false (green) otherwise.

The warning service consists on a true-false function: 'true' (red) when a ΔDst larger than 50 nT in an hour is expected, false (green) otherwise.


Potential users of this product include operators of power companies or companies involved in any other system affected by geomagnetically induced currents.


Potential users of this product include operators of any company involved in systems affected by geomagnetic disturbances.


1 minute